

Task 1: Circle the odd one out.
1. bull, chicken, giraffe, goat, horse, sheep
2. gorilla, tiger, elephant, bee, bear, dog
3. fly, duck, swan, chicken, eagle, goose
4. dolphin, whale, crocodile, shark, wasp

Task 2: What is this animal?
1. I am a cute animal. I live in the ocean. I am very smart. I look like a fish but I am a mammal. My body is grey. I like people and they also love me. I am a/an______________________.
2. I live around the house in my hole. I like cheese but I hate cats because I am afraid of them. Sadly, people don’t like me. As I can go very fast, I can run away from people. I am a/an_________________.
3. I live in the desert. I can live without drinking water for a week. I have brownish fur. People can ride me. I am a/an________________________.
4. I live in the water or around the house. I like swimming so much. People like eating my liver. Donald is my cousin. J I am a/an_______________________.
5. I live in Australia. I like jumping. I carry my baby. I am a/an_______________________.
6. I have big teeth, a huge mouth and a long tail. I usually live in rivers. I am very dangerous. I am 4-metre-long and I am green. I am a/an_______________________________.
7. People do not like the sound I give. They also do not enjoy when I suck their blood. I am a_________________________.
8. I am very clever so people like me. I work for the police. I can investigate crimes. I can run very fast and catch bad people. I can say “bow-wow”. I am a/an_______________________.
9. Sadly, I am very-very slow because I have to carry my own house on my back. It is not easy, believe me. My house is brown and round. I am a/an______________________.
10. I am a very little black insect. I am very hard-working. I have a lot of mates. When I find some food on the floor, I call my friends. They help me with taking the food home. We have a queen at home. We live in a big colony. I am a/an______________________.

Task 3: Name 5 birds.
  1. __________________
  2. __________________
  3. __________________
  4. __________________
  5. __________________

Task 4: Circle those animals that live in water.

frog, mosquito, eagle, camel, ostrich, elephant, crocodile, gorilla, dog, snake, bat, fish, shark, monkey, cow, swan, duck, bear, zebra, goat, goose, cat, cheetah, spider, wasp, whale, jelly fish, ladybird.
 Task 5: Write 10 sentences about your favourite animal. Use the questions below.

The best animal in the world is…

1. What is it?
2. What colour is it?
3. Is it big, medium-sized or small?
4. Where does it live?
5. What does it usually do?
6. What does it never do?
7. What does it look like?
8. What does it like eating?
9. What can it do?
10. Why do you like it?


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