

Objectives: to review some lexical material, to develop students' lexical reading and speaking skills.
                                                      The Procedure
I. Introduction. 
The topic of today's lesson is "Travelling". At this lesson you'll repeat some words and word-combinations, read the text, exchange the information on the basis of the text and a given situation.
II. Warm-up.
Match the English proverbs with their Ukrainian equivalents.
He that travels far knows much.
Poor man's luggage is always light.
Every departure has an arrival.
For your day trip's bread take a week's spread.

Бідному зібратися - тільки підперезатися.
Їдеш на день, хліба бери на тиждень.
Хто багато подорожує - багато знає.
Усе добре, що на добре виходить.

III. Main part. 
1. Revision of some lexical units.
- What things do you associate with the word "travelling"?
2. Speaking.
Complete the following sentences.
- People like to pravel _________________.
- Usually they travel __________________.
- When they travel they like to _______________.
 -Because travelling is ______.
3. Reading .
3.1. Pre-reading activity
Is travelling popular nowadays?
What means of travelling do you know?
How do you like to travel?
What is the best time for travelling?
3.2. Read the text and do the test after it.
    Travelling is very popular nowadays. Go to a raiway station, a port or an airport inthis country or abroad and you will see hyndreds of people who want to go somewhere and get there as quickly as possible.
     The fastest way of travelling is by plane. With a modern airliner you can travel in one hour toa place which takes a day to travel by train.
      Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it nevetherless has its advantages. You can see the country you are travelling through and not only the clouds as you are flying. There are sleepers and dining-cars in passenger trains which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Some people like to travel by ship and enjoy a sea voyage or a river trip.
     Many people like to travel  by car. Travelling by car also has its advantages: you will never miss your train, ship or plane; you can make your own time-table; you can stop wherever you wish.
     Travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips while people usually take a train or a plane when they are travelling on business.
      Travelling means getting about town too. There are many ways of getting about town. You may use tram, bus and trolley-bus routes, taxi service or the Metro.
      Trams, trolley-buses and buses stop to pick up the passengers at the special stops.
      Sometimes the tram, bus or trolley-bus you are are on do not take you right to the place you want to go. In this case you have to take another tram, bus ar trolley-bus. It means you have to change trams, buses or trolley-buses.
      In the Metro we often have to change for the other lines.
3.3. After-reading activity.
Agrree or disagree.
Travelling is very popular nowadays.
The fastest way of travelling is by train.
Travelling by plane is slower than by train.
Travelling by car hasn't got any advantages.
Travelling means getting about the town too.
4. Listening.
Listen to a story about a famous explorer and then answer the questions.

     Explorer Ray Fines is travelling to the USA on Saturday and he is going to walk 5,000 kilometres from New York to Los Angeles. Heisn't going to travel on buses or in cars. He isn't going to see his family
for ten months, but he is going to phone  his wife every week. 'I'm very excited about this expedition,' says Ray.    
    'I'm going to learn a lot of things about the USA. I'm going to see some fantastic countryside and I 'm going to meet a lot of different people.     
     Ray is going to eat  and sleep in cheap hotels. He isn't going to take any camping equipment in his rucksack. Ray's friends  are gonig to read about his expedition on the internet because he is going to write a blog on his laptop every night.
 - How many kilometres is he going to walk?
Where is he going to start his journey?
Where is he going to finish it?
 What is he going to see?
Who is he going to meet?
5. Speaking. 
Where will you go is you have 1,000,000 dollars?
IV. Summing up.

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