
And ....action!!!

This drama takes place on the film set where an Historical film about King Henry VIII of England is being made. The scene being filmed is one between Henry, his wife, Anne, and William, the King's secretary. Filming is very difficult because Brian, the actor playing Henry, is always disagreeing with the director and is very rude. He also doesn't know his lines. The other actors get cross and when Brian shouts at the make-up assistant, the director decides to make some big changes!

   Brian is the actor playing King Henry VIII. He is a famous film star and is very big-headed and rude. He always thinks he's right and is very difficult to work with. The student playing this role needs to be able to play a loud, larger than life character.
  Kim is the director of the film. She is a friendly, confident character who is good at making everyone feel at ease. She is very patient, but is also someone who knows how to deal with difficult situations.
   Mark is the camera operator, filming the actors. He is good friends with Kim and is an easy-going character. He doesn't have many lines.
   Sasha is the actress playing Anne, King Henry's wife. She is friendly and polite, although she does get very fed up with Brian.
   Neil is the actor playing William, King Henry's secretary. He really doesn't like Brian and gets quite annoyed when filming is made very difficult because of Brian's behaviour.
   Bunny is the make-up artist. She is in charge of making sure everyone's make-up is just right and goes around touching up the actors' faces with powder, etc. She also helps the director. She's quite young and nervous and gets very upset by Brian. She doesn't have many lines.

   a make-up brush and powder compact for Bunny
   a chair for Kim, the director
   a video camera for Mark (this could be mimed)
   a mobile phone for Brian
   a crown
   a clapperboard (e.g. a small whiteboard) with 'King Henry the Eighth, Scene 2, Take 1' written on it.

Drama warm-up
This game is like 'Simon says' but it is called 'The director says'. Ask a student to stand at the front of the class and to be the director. He / she says 'The director says ...' and then gives the class an instruction, e.g. 'The director says sit down.' The class must then sit down. The class must obey all the director's instructions until the director gives an instruction without first saying 'The director says ...'. Any student who follows this instruction is out.

(Sasha and Neil are standing on the film set. Bunny is  doing Neil's make-up. Mark is behind his camera and Kim is sitting in her director's chair.)
Neil     Where's Brian, Kim?
Kim     I'm not sure. He's very late.
Neil     He's always late.
[Bunny finishes Neil's make-up and starts Sasha's.]
Neil     Thanks. Bunnv.
Sasha   (to Bunny) Sorry? What’s your name?
Bunny   (shyly) Bunny. It’s my nickname.
 Sasha  I think it's cute!
[Kim walks over to Mark. She looks at her watch.)
Kim     We must film soon ...
Mark  How was your weekend?
Kim   It was brilliant, thanks. I went to Manchester and  visited friends. What was your camping trip like?
Mark Well, it was rainy and I didn’t take my waterproof clothes? So I was very wet!
(Brian enters. He is talking on his mobile phone)  
Brian Yeah, yeah, yeah ...Give me a call. Must go... bye for now.
Kim      Hello, Brian! You're very late.
Brian   Hello, darling! I'm here, everyone!
Sasha   Hello, Brian. Did you have a good weekend?
Brian   Not really. I went to Neil's party. It was terrible. The food was really bad and the people were boring.
 Neil     [angrily] Brian!
Kim     [giving Brian the King's crown] Calm down, Neil. Here's your crown, Brian. Let's film. Bunny, the clapperboard, please.
[Bunny holds the clapperboard in front of the camera. Brian, Neil and Sasha get ready to film.]
 Bunny 'King Henry the Eighth', Scene 2, Take 1.
 Kim     And ...action!
 [Brian's mobile phone rings.]
 Kim      Cut!
Mark   I don't believe it!
[Brian answers his phone.]
Brian   Hi, darling! Yeah, yeah! Amazing! How are you?
Kim      Brian! There weren't any mobile phones in the sixteenth century!
 Brian   [talking on phone] Darling, must go! Yeah, yeah, text me later, OK?
 Neil     Brian! We want to film! Today!
 Kim     Are you ready, Brian?
Brian   [rudely]Yes, yes!
[Bunny holds the clapperboard in front of the camera. Brian, Neil and Sasha get ready to film.]
 Bunny 'King Henry the Eighth', Scene 2, Take 2.
Kim     And ... action!
Sasha  [to Neil] Are you going to talk to the king, William?
Neil     Yes, Queen Anne, [to Brian] King Henry, I'm going to go to Rome tomorrow.
[Neil and Sasha wait for Brian to speak. He doesn't.]
 Sasha  Brian! Brian! Brian, it's your line!
Kim     Cut! Brian, it's your line!
Brian   Is it? [He takes off his crown.] I don't like this crown. Spanish kings didn't have crowns like this.
 Mark   What?
Kim     King Henry the Eighth wasn't a Spanish king! He ruled England for thirty-seven years!
Brian   Are you sure? When did he rule England?
Neil     About five hundred years ago! He became King of England in 1509.
 Brian   No, no, no. King Henry lived in Spain. He was very dark with a curly moustache. I want a curly moustache and more make-up.
 Kim      Brian! He was quite fair with a beard.
 Mark   And he was English.
Brian   [rudely] I want more make-up!
Kim     OK, OK! Bunny, please do Brian's make-up.
[Bunny walks over to Brian and starts to do his make-up. Brian suddenly throws Bunny's make-up brush on the floor]
Brian   [shouting at Bunny] What are you doing? Stop it! I don't like that colour! [Bunny starts to cry and exits.]
Kim      What's the matter? Poor Bunny! Are you always difficult, Brian?
Brian   I'm not difficult! You're difficult!
 Neil We are not!
Kim      Brian, I'm not going to work with you any more. Please leave now.
Brian   What?!
Kim     Go! I don't want to work with you.
Brian   And I don't want to work with you. Goodbye!
[Brian throws his crown on the floor and exits.]
Neil      Kim, what about the film?
 Kim      Don't worry. I've got an idea. Why don't we change the film? Let's make a film about Queen Anne!
Mark   That's a great idea!
Kim     Here's your crown, Sasha!
[Kim puts the crown on Sasha's head.]
Sasha  Are you sure, Kim?
 Kim     Yes!
 Neil      Brilliant!
Kim     OK, stand by, Queen Anne. And ... action! (They all laugh)