
Famous Sportsmen

Мета: Активізувати вивчені ЛО за темою, розвивати навички читання, говоріння, аудіювання, мовну здогадку, виховувати позитивне ставлення до занять спортом.
Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент

1. Привітання.
2. Повідомлення теми, мети уроку.
Т: We start our English lesson. The theme of our today's lesson is "Sports. Famous Sportsmen ". By the end of the lesson you will be able:
  • to recognize new words and words-combinations when reading and listening sentences;
  • to interview a famous sportsman.

II. Фонетична розминка

1) Answer the questions
  • Do you like sports?
  • What sports do you know?
  •  Do you know many world famous sportsmen?
  •  What sports do they represent?
-- Writing (HO 1)
2) Let's quiz: What kind of sports is it?
1.A game for two players. They have two rackets. They hit a shuttlecock over a high net. (Tennis)
 2.A game in which you use long sticks to hit a small ball into  holes in grassy land. (Golf)
3.This is an outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. You need a ball, a net, two goals and a referee. (Volleyball)
 4.It’s a game in which two teams of five players try to throw a ball into a net basket fixed to a metal ring. (Basketball)
 5.This is an indoor game for two or four players who hit a small plastic ball to each other across a net on the table. (table tennis)
6. A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of players kick it. They are not allowed to handle the ball. (football
III.  Listening.
Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer. HO2
Sharon       Hi, what's your name?
Tom             Tom. And you?
Sharon       I'm Sharon.
Tom             You're a good player.
Sharon       Thanks! Table tennis is my favourite sport.
Tom              Mm. I like table tennis too. And football. I'm
the captain of our school team.
Sharon       Are you? Fantastic. I'm the captain of my
school's table tennis team. But I also play
volleyball and basketball.
Tom             Cool! I also play golf!
Sharon       Golf? Ugh! My dad plays golf. What other
sports do you like?
Tom             I like watching baseball and American football,
but I don't play them.
Sharon       Oh, er, what's the time?
Tom             Er, eight o'clock.
Sharon       Oh! It's tennis on TV tonight at half past eight!
I've got to go.
Tom             OK. Bye then.
Sharon       Bye. See you next week.

Complete the sentences.
1.     Sharon’s favourite sport is _____.
2.     Tom is a captain of the school ____.
3.     Sharon is the captain of the ____.
4.     Sharon’s dad plays _____.
5.     Sharon also plays ___.
6.     Tom likes watching____.
 IV. Reading.
Read some information about Tiger Woods.
Tiger Woods is one of the most successful golfers ever. He has the po­tential to be the greatest of all time. He has been number one in the world for most of the past decade and looks like hanging on to that position for a while to come. His real name is Eldrick; Tiger is a nickname his father gave him.
Tiger shot to fame as a two-year-old. He showed off his skills on te­levision in 1978 with comedian Bob Hope. In 1990, aged 15, he became the youngest ever U.S. Junior Amateur Champion. There were dozens of records and victories in between. In 1994, Woods became the youngest ever winner of the U.S. Amateur Championship. He turned professional two years later.
Sports experts predict he will become sports first billionaire. He cannot stop winning. He has the second highest number of major golf champion­ships of any male player, and he’s still young. His career is full of impressive records. He’s the youngest player to win the US Open and the youngest and fastest to win 50 tournaments. It seems likely he’ll break more records.
Woods is a Buddhist. He got his faith from his Thai mother. He said it helps control his impatience. It perhaps also explains his charity work. He believes being a good role model is much more important than golf and has helped thousands of teenagers around the world.
     Aftereading activity.
Answer the questions.
1.     What sport does Tiger Woods represent?
2.     What’s his real name? Who gave him a nickname?
3.     When did he show his first skills?
4.     When did Tiger become the youngest ever winner of the U.S. Amateur Championship?
5.     What records has he got?
V. Speaking.
- Ex. 2, p.74-75 – read the factfile.
- Ex. 5, p.76 –pair work. (interview Andriy Shevchenko).

VI. Підсумки уроку.
VII. Повідомлення д/з.