
Shops and Shopping in Great Britain

Мета: забезпечити вживання лексичних одиниць теми «Покупки» у мовленні учнів.
Формувати вміння та навички усного мовлення за темою.
Вчити учнів сприймати іншомовне мовлення на слух з метою отримання основної інформації.
Практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою максимально повного і точного розуміння всієї інформації, що в ньому міститься.
Розвивати логічне мислення, уяву, мовленнєву реакцію, готовність вступати в англомовне спілкування, вміння працювати в парах.
Виховувати культуру спілкування.
Хід уроку
І. Організаційний момент.
- Бесіда .
Do you like shopping?
How often do you go shopping?
Who does shopping in your family?
What do you buy every day?
- Повідомлення теми і мети. Мотивація навальної діяльності.
I think the topic of the lesson will be very interesting for you. We’re going to talk about shops and shopping in Britain. You’ll learn some new words, watch a video, work in pairs and practice dialogue.
II. Основна частина.
-         What is the currency in Britain? How do we say prices in English?
-         Listen and write the prices you hear. CD 27
     97 p.
     88 p.

2. Vocabulary Presentation.
    A shop that sells bread and rolls the baker’s
A shop that sells fish - the fishmonger’s
A shop where you can buy meat - the butcher’s
A shop which sells newspapers - the newsagent’s
A shop where you can buy milk and cottage cheese - the dairy
A shop where you can buy vegetables and fruit - the greengrocer’s
A shop where you can buy rings, earrings, necklaces and watches - the jeweler’s
A shop which sells toys - the toy shop
A shop where you can buy medicines - the chemist’s
A shop where you can buy candies and cookies - the confectionary
A shop which sells sugar, salt, coffee, tea - the grocer’s shop
A shop where you can buy pens, copybooks, pencils – the stationer’s

3. Vocabulary Practice.
.  Now pupils you’ ll  get  cards and your task is to match the pairs.
1.      boutique
a. lilies
2.     antique shop
b. jeans
3.     butcher’s
c. plane ticket
4.     jeweler’s
d. bar of chocolate
5.     flower shop
e. old clocks
6.     bakery
f. a loaf of bread
7.     confectioner’s
g. gold ring
8.     supermarket
h. sugar

9.     travel agent’s
i. lamb chops

1 – b                      6 – f
                                                2 – e                      7 – d
3 – i                       8 – h
 4 – g                      9 – c
                                                5 – a                    

4. Reading.
- Pre-reading activity.
Look at the photos in the brochure. Which markets do you think have these things?
1. stamps  2. expensive clothes  3. fruit and vegetables  4. music CDs  5. old books
- Reading. London Markets.(New Opportunities, p.109)
Portobello Road is the world's   largest market for antiques and collectors' items. It's got: old books, boxes, bottles, cameras, carpets, clocks, drawings, furniture, handbags, lamps, paintings, photos, postcards, radios, stamps, telescopes, tins, toys and watches.
Covert Garden is London's old fruit and vegetable market. Now it has fashionable shops with designer clothes and jewellery. There is an indoor market with crafts, clothes and food.
Covent Garden is fun because it often has street musicians and mime artists. Borough Market in south-east London is one of the capital's oldest and largest food markets. It is open on Fridays and Saturdays and you can buy food from all over the world: fruit and vegetables, cheese, meat and seafood. You can often see famous London chefs shopping there.
 Camden Markets  (there are five of them) are open seven days a week. They are great markets for young people: you can find a fantastic variety of music CDs and amazing clothes for going to night clubs!

-After-reading activity.
Which markets would these people go to?
a   Jamie Morris is 23. He works for a famous London restaurant and is looking for some new ideas to expand the menu.
b   Karen Katz, 18, loves going out and wants to find ideas for new clothes.
с   Susan Jeffrey, 38, is looking for a nice dress for her sister's wedding.
d   Cam Schinham, 29, is an American tourist and he wants to buy nice clothes and have fun.
 e   Colin Filey, 39, collects old bottles and

5. Watching a video.

Are the sentences true or false?
1.     London is the shopping capital of the world.
2.     Every year thousands of visitors shop here.
3.     In the supermarket the presenter tastes some chocolate.
4.     Harvey Nickols is a nice place for designer.
5.     Hamley’s is the biggest book shop in the world.
6.     London’s Oxford Street has got 2 kilometers of shops to choose from.
7.      Lock and Cº opened in London in 1979.

1.     +
2.     – (millions)
3.     – (cheese)
4.     +
5.     – (toy shop)
6.     +
7.     – (1679)

6. Speaking.
Tania: Hello. I'd like this magazine, please. And have you got any of those  new chocolate bars?
Newsagent: Yes ,we have. Do you want a large or a small bar?
T: How much are they?
N: The large ones are £2..50 and the small one is £1.75.
T: A small one, please.
N: That's £3.75 please. Thanks.
T: Thanks, bye.
N: Thank you. Bye.
Assistant: Hello, can I help you?
Adam: Yes, I'm looking for some sunglasses.
As: Okay. Let's have a look. Mm, these are the normal ones. And these are designer sunglasses. They're more expensive.
Ad: How much are those brown?
As: £20.
Ad: Can I try them on, please?
As: Of course. They're nice. They really suit you.
Ad: Okay, can I have them, please?
As: Thanks.
Ad: Thanks. Bye.
Assistant: Hello. Can I help you?
Rachel: Yes, I'm looking for a CD of Irish folk songs. Here's the name.
A: Yes, I think we've got it. Just a moment. Here you are.
R: Great. How much is it, please?
A:It's £12.
R: Okay.
A; Thanks  a lot.  Here’s  your change.
R: Thanks. Bye
-         Make the similar dialogues.
-         Read the following statement. How do you understand it?
Shopping is a therapy.

III. Підсумки уроку.
- It was a great and interesting job. You’ ve done a lot of useful activities. All of you were very hardworking and have got good marks. Thank you very much for the work.

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